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Whitney Elisha

USA Equivalent Grade Level:  K-3

Age: 9

Whitney is a very humble innocent girl. She loves the Lord and praying is part of her after her mother taking her to church every Sunday. She has less hope of staying with her mother after several times her step father trying to send her away from his house.

My Day

I wake up, prepare my brother, take my bathe, put on my uniform and go to school. I study, play with my friends, eat food, study bible. go back home, wash utensils, play with our neighbours, eat food and sleep. 

My Community

Whitney is a clean organized girl in work.  She leaves with her mother and step farther. Her father abandoned her when she was a baby. Then her mother decided to get another man, whom at first seemed caring, but later things changed when he decided not to support her because she is not her biological daughter.  Whitney’s mother loves working but finding a job is a challenge and yet it’s her responsibility now to take care of her two children.

My Prayer

Pray for whitnesy’s home stability, she doesnt know what will happen if she is separated away from her mother. 

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